Nov 13, 2013

Write content easily, Enjoy Blogging

I have more than one blog, and one of the most demanding things of maintaining a blog is - yes, you got it right, to create new content. Creating content is not an easy task by any estimate. The sheer number of tasks that you do to get interesting stuff that interests you and the audience can unnerve many a mortal. But, again wonderful people who are a tad smarter, do come up with interesting tools to make my life easier.

One such tool that is useful is for content curation. The process itself is simple. While browsing or when I search for terms that have caught my fancy at some point in time, one of the things I do is to get the links, copy some interesting tidbits and share that with rest of the people who sometimes trust me more than necessary. This is a painful process to say the least. While Facebook provides a way to add links, shows previews and let users click on the shared links, there is no such joy for the people who maintain their own website or their own blog - no easy way to put it more precisely. Until now.

Enter CurationSoft.

The software is easy to setup (point, click and install), easy to use (drag and drop content from the world of internet to your site), and did I mention, easy to use? Although this is far from solving the creativity issue or the writer's block, it does solve all the crazy tasks that I do on a regular basis.

Using CurationSoft:

  1. No copy/paste to notepad and then to my blog/site
  2. I do not worry about how best to optimize pictures
  3. I do not delve into formatting, and getting the site look professional
  4. I do not worry about how I need to change the source to get it right on my Drupal, Wordpress or Blogger platforms

All this is enabled through simple drag and drop.

Still confused? Here's a video..

Here are a few more for the reviews.

So, what prevents everyone from using it? You may like more control for one, you may also not like the cost of the product. Yes, there is certainly a cost. But you could always start with the free version, and buy only if you like what you see.

What are the tools that you use to simplify work? Has CurationSoft worked for you?

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