Dec 8, 2013

A huge collection of free Wordpress themes for 2013

For Wordpress developers and designers, it is a ever-changing, never-satisfied quench for themes and plugins. Wordpress themes are not exactly hard to come by, but getting the quality right and saving time is a big problem. It is not quite a big proposition to get paid themes at a reasonable cost, but when you are looking for free themes you have to look long and hard. But the kind folks out there have done some research, put together a lot of good posts and are willing to help!

So, we come to
designrazzi free wordpress themes
A long list of Wordpress free themes are collated in one post. Nothing really new there, but what is new is the interesting mix of themes that are absolutely free of cost, and with acceptable quality. The themes cover the entire range of Wordpress sites from blogs, magazines, websites, corporate sites et. al. I found this invaluable in my search for free themes for a more recent project. I could quickly check how the themes look, take a tour through the demo and narrow down to 4 options for the website. I installed the four chosen themes, checked how my website looks with those themes and selected one. As easy as that!

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